Friday 8 January 2010

Sherlock Holmes

I've mentioned before that i want to use a mystery novel (preferably Sherlock Holmes) in one of my shots, this was perfectly timed because the new Sherlock Holmes film came out and me and a friend went to see it. it has both my genres in it + action and the very first opening scene was a chase scene in which the characters identity is hidden just like my opening.

because its the first movie some people don't know what the actor who's playing Holmes looks like, me being one of these people i didn't know what was going on in the opening, to me it looked like a scruffy man being chased by the police but it turned out to be Holmes running in front of the police to stop the main bad guy from doing something. I'm doing something like this in my opening, I'm making the "Good guys" look like the bad guys

the mystery element of the film kept me on the edge of my seat through-out, and by the end i was actually convinced the main bad guy could use magic, then all was revealed by Holmes towards the end only to be left with a cliff hanger ending about a second bad guy that made appearances in the film. there are a lot of times when your sat watching thinking "what on earth is Holmes doing" and then at the end he shows you why he did it, it keeps the audience hooked.

the comedy was clever, one of my favourite parts that made me laugh was a giant french bad guy who's out to get Holmes picks up a huge hammer used on making a ship, Holmes grabs a tiny hammer and there's a long shot allowing the audience to see the difference in size between both Holmes and the bad guy and there hammers, in frustration Holmes just throws his hammer at the man and does no damage what so ever and ends up almost getting squished by the boat-in-progress.

the hammer scene starts at 1:43 in the trailer above, the embedding was disabled.
the trailer below is slightly different but i could embed it so i'll post both

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