Friday, 11 December 2009

Storyboard unfinished

I started storyboarding using Photoshop I've done about 31 shots at the moment which are just idea's i haven't put any explanation on it yet because i might change my mind and switch some shots around

James bond - Casino Royale chase scene

my 'chase' scene isn't going to be quite as dramatic as this but i want to make it look and feel as frantic as this, up until one of the two main characters hits a lamppost during a tracking shot. having the music fitting with whats happening on scene would be ideal, there are two times in the opening that i want the music to suddenly stop, once when they're waiting for the light to turn red so they can cross, and a second time when one of my characters hits the lamppost, I'll also add non diagetic sounds to this clip, the sound of a lamppost being hit but louder so it has more impact and sounds more painful! this clip does the same with the added bumps and bangs while James bond is punching someone.

Monday, 7 December 2009

More ideas

I'm sticking with the mystery comedy theme, I've got lots of ideas for it, but I'm trying to think of the best way to do it.
i want to start the opening with some fast editing, like on hot fuzz with the exaggerated whooshing noises when he moves something and the fast zooming in and out. i want to do a close-up shot of someone typing somthing stereotypical for the mysteriy genre

i plan on doing very slap stick comedy, i want to keep the opening serious up untill about 1 minute where something happens to ruin the serious atmosphere, im thinking about doing a tracking shot following 2 charaters down a road chasing somthing (not revieled yet but probably a friends pet dog thats escaped.) and one of them runs into a lampost but the camera keeps moving untill the lampost is out of the shot.

im going to be doing the titles mixed in with the shots, so when i said about doing a shot with someone typeing on a laptop, make the credit appear as the person types one letter at a time like a type writer

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Hot fuzz part 1

i plan on doing transitions similar to how they do it in hot fuzz aswell, people walking past and the screen changes as they do so, that kind of thing.